Thursday, March 10, 2005

Installing Windows fonts

Sometimes it is a bit uncomfortable with the font of Linux. It is better if i can have my MS font inside linux. Below is a simple way to add MS fonts into your linux platform.

GNOME users
GNOME 2.4 and above, this is very easy. Simply open a file manager window to fonts:// and open another one to your mounted Windows directory (/mnt/windows for example). Navigate to the Windows folder, then the Fonts folder. Select any fonts that you would like and drag and drop them to the fonts:// window.
Note: This should be done as
root otherwise it may not work. Also, try restarting your computer if it does not work.

Distribution packages

Users of
rpm-based distributions can install the Windows fonts from the packages msfonts-1.2.1-1.noarch.rpm and msfonts-style-1.2.1-1.noarch.rpm (LibraryMS fonts for Linux)

Package name is msttcorefonts, included in the
Debian repository called non-free.
These will download (or specify a location if you already have them) the fonts and install them.
Just write
apt-get install msttcorefonts.